Monday, November 5, 2012

Let's play the 'guess who's going to murder someone in 3..2..1..' game

I'll make this easy, it's me. I am going to just chop someone's head clean off. This is due to a horrible feeling. I'm not talking about just any feeling, oh no. I am talking about the forsaken feeling when just a stranger not holding the door for you makes you want to curb stomp them. When your phone keeps freezing and inexplicably starts calling people just to make sure you fit at least one awkward conversation into your day. When your friend who is 6 inches away from you will not stop snoring, despite the fact that you're trying to blog, so you start debating the best ways to suffocate her. Yes, these are all personal problems, but I think that you guys can relate. 

Anything and everything is getting on my last nerve. It's not PMS, it's not me just being a bitchy teenager, it's just a stressful day. I am preeetty sure that all benevolent forces that could exist have thrown in the towel and said 'fuck you'. 

Alas, I have a cure to my dilemma: watching a good movie whilst eating my weight in kettle corn.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You are a bitchy teenager and I love you for it.

    2. I'm not-so-secretly hoping that you get fat.
