Sunday, November 4, 2012

A list of my potential soul mates and future lovers (in no specific order)

  • Seth Rogen- We literally have the same fucked sense of humor.
  • Jason Segel- Again with the humor thing.
  • Paul Rudd- He's funny. He's cute. What more could you want?
  • Will Ferrell- One word. Anchorman. 
  • Jonah Hill- Funny funny funny.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt- Nothing so gorgeous has ever blessed my eyes before.
  • George Harrison- He makes the music, he has a killer haircut, and he plays the sitar. It's love.
  • Jim Morrison- He is just oozing sex appeal, has a heavenly voice, and I would just love to drop acid with this man.  
  • Michael Cera- Awkward+blonde+tall
  • Charlie Chaplin- I go apeshit for that mustache. 
  • Jared Leto- Over this summer I discovered that he is in many of my favorite movies (Requiem For A Dream, Panic Room, Fight Club, American Psycho)
  • Cassandra- My best friend since Mrs.Duvall's 1st grade class.
  • Charles- He's the super sexy barista at Starbucks. 
  • Jim Carrey- He stole my heart in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 
  • The entire cast of American Beauty- self explanatory. Special shout out to Wes Bentley for making every guy at my high school seem uninteresting and shallow.
  • Zooey Deschanel- Her bangs just make me melt. 
  • Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower- lets face it, he's just awesome and misunderstood. 
  • Jimi Hendrix- I would love to kiss the sky with him. 
  • Anakin Skywalker- Unf. 
  • Link from Legend of Zelda- It's just something about a blue eyed blonde kid trying to save a princess.
  • Legolas from Lord of the Rings- I have a thing for archers. Orlando Bloom has never been sexier. 


  1. You don't find Joseph Gordon Levitt - which I hope you haven't forgotten is pronounced JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT - to be a weird man-boy-child?

    Charlie Chaplin? WHAT?!

    Anakin Skywalker.. Is that Hayden something? Oh. ohhhhh. Watch a horribly depressing movie called "Life as a house". He is GORG.

    Orlando Bloom. Pretty sure that's a girl.

  2. I second Stupid Stork...pretty sure Orlando Bloom has a vag. And JGL, (that's how we affectionatley refer to him in my household), do the words 3rd Rock From the Sun mean anything to you? Terrible show.

    Welcome to Blogland!

    -Jenn aka Stupid Stork's Biggest Fan

  3. Orlando is mine....I'm older and have more insurance....and I have a life size cut out of him in my closet.....I'm a sucker for blondes with blue eyes....funny how in real life I married a brown haired brown eyed man....

    I think I might just have to make me one of these lists

    Jenn may be Stork's biggest fan, but I strive to be her best stalker.....

    1. You quoted fried green tomatoes. Love love love. I have a massive girl crush on Zooey. I love a bit of kooky.

      I am Storks UK twin and I adore her from afar.

  4. Don't listen to those other ladies, JGL is hot hot hot. Welcome to the blog world, we all love your sister-in-law and we will all love you too!
